Quality for a reasonable price!
Quality is paramount for us. Our philosophy is to produce great products that will exceed the market standard in terms of quality. We care about price, but we do not compromise on quality. We are sure that we have the best price/performance ratio on the market!
We understand light!
We want the colors under artificial lighting to be as you know them during the day. Red is supposed to be red. We want the best for our customers, which is why almost all of our products have a CRI value of 90 or more. The CRI 80 standard, which is the most common on the market, is no longer enough for us!
5 years!
A guarantee that all our products have. We test the individual components for a long time and carefully select them. We know what we are selling and therefore we know that our lamps will work long after the warranty has expired. We guarantee warranty and post-warranty service for all our products.
Our lamps will not flicker!
We integrate flicker-free components into the lamps. Lamps that do not have such parameters can cause various health problems for sensitive people, such as nausea or headaches.
Time is money!
So that you don't have to wait for your lamps, we keep the complete assortment in stock and stock it regularly.
There is no lumen like a lumen!
The luminous flux of the lamp is measured in lumens. The quality of the LED chip, the shape and construction of the lamp, as well as the type of diffuser used all together affect the radiation and quality of lighting. We present real values emitted from the lamp, not from the LED chip. Therefore, only compare comparable values!
Because we have the goods in stock, we can send your order almost immediately. In the case of dimmable versions within 5 working days.
Don't be afraid of dimming!
Almost all of our lamps can be ordered as dimmable. There are several dimming options. Contact our local partner to advise you on the best for your project.
LED2 je rad profesionálnych svietidiel zameraných pre všetkých odborníkov na osvetlenie, ktorí hľadajú vysoko výkonné, spoľahlivé a dobre navrhnuté produkty – esteticky aj technicky. Ak ste architekt, interiérový dizajnér alebo projektant osvetlenia, nájdete tu výrobky pre domácnosť, rezidencie, byty, ale aj pre verejné priestory, ako sú kancelárie, showroomy, obchody ako aj mnoho ďalších.